Methodology for the validation of measuring instruments.


Methodology for the validation of measuring instruments.

Merly R. Nápoles
Noelia Barrueta


In the context of scientific research, measurement is a matter of vital relevance in quantifying the aspects within it. In this process, the measurement instrument plays a central role, if it does not represent the appropriate study variables, research is not relevant. Studies on the subject broadly cover their different issues at a high level and do not describe thoroughly the details of the process. Hence, this work pursues to provide ISDi professionals and students with detailed information and a thorough methodology to follow that facilitates this procedure. This methodology includes different aspects that an appropriate measuring instrument, specifically a questionnaire, must present and in detail what involves its validation.


How to Cite
Nápoles , M. R., & Barrueta, N. (2022). Methodology for the validation of measuring instruments. A3manos, 10(19), 33–42. Retrieved from
Curriculum synthesis

Merly R. Nápoles , Higher Institute of Design. University of Havana.

Industrial Designer graduated from the Superior Institute of Design of the University of Havana with a Research Thesis "Validation of the Instrument Designed for the Diagnosis of Design Management Levels in Companies Belonging to the Light Industry Business Group" and maximum qualification in the same.

Noelia Barrueta, Higher Institute of Design. University of Havana.

Graduated from the V. I. Lenin Higher Engineering Institute of Kasakhstan in 1987 with a specialty in Mechanical Engineering and Technology. She worked at the Francisco Cruz Bourzac Industrial Military Company in the Development Department. She worked at the General Antonio Maceo FAR Interarms School, “Orden Antonio Maceo”, as a professor of the Mechanics Department. She completed doctoral studies at the University of Havana, defending her thesis in 2007, and obtaining the main category of tenured professor. She has directed doctoral theses in technical sciences. She is a permanent member of the FAR Technical Sciences Tribunal and belongs to the FAR National Scientific Degree Commission. She has published several scientific articles and has produced literature that today is used as a bibliography in training courses for mechanical engineers in the FAR. Currently, she works at ISDI and is the head of the Industrial Design Department.


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