A3manos- Journal of the Cuban University of Design

A3manos is a specialized scientific journal, published in electronic format by the Higher Institute of Design (ISDi) of the University of Havana, dedicated to scientific production in the branches of Industrial Design, Visual Communication Design and other related areas of design and art.

Publications are in Industrial Design, Design of visual communication, Design in its relationship with other disciplines, Theory and pedagogy of design, Sustainable design, Design and society, New technologies for design and History of design.

The magazine is aimed primarily at researchers, professors and university design students, as well as professionals in design, architecture, photography and the arts.

It is a journal in the Open Journal Systems (OJS) has established a review policy by academic peers (peer review), under the double-blind modality for each article submitted for publication that they rule on it, and does not apply charges for publication in any stage of the editorial process.

The journal is in favor of Open Science and therefore receives manuscripts from repositories, preprints or that promote the placement of research data on dataservers, among other manifestations. It is recommended to use: https://preprints.scielo.org


Dr.C. Juan Emilio Martínez Martínez

In this issue, A3manos presents research that shows the multidisciplinary action of design.

Published: 2024-01-24

Table of Contents
Title / Authors / Curricular synthesis / Bibliography

Medical equipment’s

Dr.C. Juan Emilio Martínez Martínez


The article lists some of the Diploma Projects, also known as end-of-study projects, that have been carried out by undergraduate students as a requirement for their graduation in the Industrial Design Career. These jobs have generally been requested by companies and research centers that produce medical equipment in the country.

All those presented in the article can be downloaded from the ISDi library website.

There are others also on the subject; but

not yet digitized.

Design of implements for the development of motor functions in pediatric patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Gabriela Milanés
Claudia Arcia


The work is aimed at solving the deficiencies that the toy sector in Cuba presents with educational and sports purposes that are intended to strengthen the skills of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. As a result, a product-system and a system of products for the development of gross and fine motor skills respectively are obtained, which satisfactorily resolve the client's needs.

DRAWING and IMAGE. Reflections on the significance and DESIGN culture

Marco Antonio Sandoval


This book analyzes and reflects on the importance of drawing and image in the field of design. From an interdisciplinary perspective, it highlights its role in representation and creativity in human interaction; emphasizes how drawing has been a fundamental epistemic practice over time, playing significant roles in society. In the text, various topics are discussed, such as the study of graphic representation as a cultural and social manifestation that is intertwined with identity and collective vision. Explores the intrinsic connection between drawing and design; in this regard, it considers the former as a fundamental component in the conceptualization and ideation process, functioning as a bridge between the concept and visual materialization.

Aricela Pérez Matos
Yiezenia Rosario Ferrer
Oniria Hernández
Cyntia Molina Gamonal
Antonio José Berazaín Iturralde
Raul Bejerano Bejerano
Alianys Bejerano Bonilla
Mario Zaldivar
Manuel Vega
Carmen Gómez
Dr.C. Juan Emilio Martínez Martínez
Marco Antonio Sandoval
Gabriela Milanés
Claudia Arcia
Dr.C. Juan Emilio Martínez Martínez