The variables of scientific research in Cuban design.


The variables of scientific research in Cuban design.

Eduardo Dorta
Noelia Barrueta
Migdelis G. Peña


Recommendations are outlined for the process of recognition, characterization and operationalization of the variables. It is recognized that the determination of these constitutes one of the most significant difficulties in the process of scientific research.

The identification and characterization of each variable that makes up the object of study and the relationships between them is an essential step for the correct formulation of the scientific problem and the research design.

The process of operationalizing the variables and their decomposition into dimensions are explained in the work.

Examples linked to the Design activity are shown, to facilitate understanding of the exposed topic.


How to Cite
Dorta, E., Barrueta , N., & Peña , M. G. (2023). The variables of scientific research in Cuban design. A3manos, 10(20), 23–33. Retrieved from
Curriculum synthesis

Eduardo Dorta, Higher Institute of Design. University of Havana. Havana

Mechanical Engineer (1976), graduated with a Doctor of Science (1986) in the former USSR, he has been a Full Professor since 1989. He served as professor, Head of Department, Vice Dean and Vice Chancellor in various higher level military institutions between 1976 and 2010 Since 2011 he has been a professor at the Higher Institute of Design (ISDi) and coordinates the Design Management master's degree.  

Noelia Barrueta , Higher Institute of Design. University of Havana. Havana

Graduated from the V. I. Lenin Higher Engineering Institute of Kasakhstan in 1987 with a specialty in Mechanical Engineering and Technology. She worked at the Francisco Cruz Bourzac Industrial Military Company in the Development Department. She worked at the General Antonio Maceo FAR Inter-arms School, Antonio Maceo Order, as a professor of the Mechanics Department. She completed doctoral studies at the University of Havana, defending her thesis in 2007, and obtaining the main category of tenured professor. She has directed doctoral theses in technical sciences. She is a permanent member of the FAR Technical Sciences Tribunal and belongs to the FAR National Scientific Degree Commission. She has published several scientific articles and has produced literature that today is used as a bibliography in training courses for mechanical engineers in the FAR.


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Cerezal Mezquita, J., & Fiallo Rodríguez, J. (2004). Cómo investigar en pedagogía. Editorial Pueblo y Educación. La Habana.

Díaz Duque J. A. (2013) Metodología de la investi-gación geofísica, 183 p. La Habana: Editorial F. Varela.

Dorta Baños E. & Díaz Duque J. A. (2015). El diseño de investigación, 32 p. La Habana: ISDi.

Hernández Sampieri, R., Fernández-Collado, C. & Baptista Lucio, P. (2006). Metodología de la inves-tigación. México D.F: Mc Graw - Hill/ Interameri-cana editores S.A.

Pino, R. (2010). Metodología de la Investigación, 134 p. Lima: Editorial San Marco.

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