The selection of materials in the design process at the Superior Institute of Design in Havana, Cuba


The selection of materials in the design process at the Superior Institute of Design in Havana, Cuba

Amanda Toledo
Noelia Barrueta
Daniel Fadraga
Lemay Cruz


The training of designers in terms of materials is generally studied from two approaches: the one related to the characteristics of the materials that impact the senses of the user, such as shape, temperature, color and texture; summarized this in the meaning of the material, whose greatest exponents are: Dr. Elvin Karana, Paul Hekkert and Prabhu Kandachar. The second field refers to manufacturing and manufacturing processes, where Dr. Asby from the Cambridge School of Engineering stands out as a world reference. This article focuses on the second. In the study programs of our institution, the matter of the selection of materials is divided into 4 categories: plastics, metals, ceramics and wood. This paper aims to address everything that must be investigated and studied by the industrial designer to face the complex but necessary task of selecting the right material for his product.


How to Cite
Toledo, A., Barrueta, N., Fadraga , D., & Cruz, L. (2023). The selection of materials in the design process at the Superior Institute of Design in Havana, Cuba. A3manos, 10(20), 79–86. Retrieved from
Curriculum synthesis

Amanda Toledo, Higher Institute of Design. University of Havana. Havana

Graduated with a Gold Title of Industrial Designer and Outstanding in Teaching for the 2019-2020 academic year at the Higher Institute of Design (ISDi). She began her working life as a professor at the ISDi Industrial Design Faculty, teaching subjects related to physical ergonomics and space design. She works as a designer with a broad profile, with a predominance in the design of accessories, furniture and interior spaces. Professor of the Department of Industrial Design, ISDi.

Noelia Barrueta, Higher Institute of Design. University of Havana. Havana

Graduated from the V. I. Lenin Higher Engineering Institute of Kasakhstan in 1987 with a specialty in Mechanical Engineering and Technology. She worked at the Francisco Cruz Bourzac Industrial Military Company in the Development Department. She worked at the General Antonio Maceo FAR Interarms School, “Orden Antonio Maceo”, as a professor of the Mechanics Department. She completed doctoral studies at the University of Havana, defending her thesis in 2007, and obtaining the main category of tenured professor. She has directed doctoral theses in technical sciences. She is a permanent member of the FAR Technical Sciences Tribunal and belongs to the FAR National Scientific Degree Commission. She has published several scientific articles and has produced literature that today is used as a bibliography in training courses for mechanical engineers in the FAR. Currently, she works at ISDI and is the head of the Industrial Design Department.

Daniel Fadraga , Higher Institute of Design. University of Havana. Havana

Graduated with a Gold Title of Industrial Designer from the 2009-2010 academic year at the Higher Institute of Design (ISDi). He began his working life as a professor at the ISDi Faculty of Industrial Design, teaching subjects related to product design and manufacturing technologies. He works as a designer with a broad profile, predominantly in the design of objects, although he shows results in space design (interiors and exteriors). He is currently registered with the National Design Office (ONDi) and develops related areas such as Communication Design (mainly WEB) and Photography.

Lemay Cruz, Higher Institute of Design. University of Havana. Havana

He trained as an Industrial Engineer at the José Antonio Echeverría Technological University of Havana in 2010, and then began his professional life at the Higher Institute of Design specializing in the Human Factors Discipline, which he has directed since 2015. In the year 2018 he completed his master's degree focusing his research in the field of Ergonomics. From 2013 to 2018, he served as Principal Professor of the 4th year of the Industrial Design degree, and of the 3rd year from 2018 to the present. He is part of the ISDi Teaching Council, and of the Industrial Design career group.


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