Communication in the Industrial Design products
Industrial design products reveal their functions and use manners, they present true symbolic value and can even connote human ambitions associated to a historic period. These affirmations propeled the course of the present work, in what we put to consideration the Conceptual Map of communication for industrial design products. This map is a result of an exploratory study with a nonexperimental investigation method, registered in a Diploma Thesis of the same name (Fernández; Llorente, ISDi, 2014). Several authors have discussed the communication in products, however, the phenomenon has been approached as an added property of finished products already available on the market. So, it was necessary to focus the problem in the designing process itself, starting from a useful and concrete tool, coherent with the purposes of Cuban design. The present work also constitutes an intercurricular proposal that integrates two fundamental disciplines: Semiotics and Industrial Design.
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