Patriotic Route Project


Patriotic Route Project

Juan E. Martínez


The main purpose of the Patriotic Route Project is to promote an approach to the History of Cuba by ISDI students, in order to contribute to the development of values, summarized in the real commitment to the work of the Revolution.
The general characteristics are:
- Implement a living way of knowing History.
-Select four representative figures of the National History, around which the educational project of each of the first four years of the degree will be implemented.
-Disseminate the thought, the work, the historical context in which they developed and the social repercussion of these figures.
The activities to be carried out within educational projects, in addition to visits to places of interest, talks and conferences, of a more traditional nature, may also involve contests, exhibitions, analysis of significant texts of the figure's work, film projections and other activities.


How to Cite
Martínez , J. E. (2021). Patriotic Route Project. A3manos, 8(15), 87–90. Retrieved from
Curriculum synthesis

Juan E. Martínez , Instituto Superior de Diseño de la UH

Profesor Titular del Instituto Superior de Diseño. Doctor en Psicología (Universidad de Girona, España). Doctor en Pedagogía (MES, Cuba). Licenciado en Historia. Licenciado en Educación. Master en Ciencias de la Educación Superior. Diplomado en Diseño Postal. Investiga en Formación del Profesorado, Estrategias de Enseñanza y Aprendiza, Investigación-Acción. Ha impartido cursos y conferencias en universidades de Bolivia, Ecuador, Haití, Uruguay, España y San Marino. Desarrolla docencia de pregrado y postgrado.


ISDi (2019) Registro Vicedecanato Docente del ISDi. La Habana. Archivo ISDi.