From the academy. 2019 - ISDi Doctorate Thesis. Master's Thesis


From the academy. 2019 - ISDi Doctorate Thesis. Master's Thesis

Juan E. Martínez
Fernando A. Peón



Peña Martínez, Sergio Luis. Model to characterize the design profession. In the social and productive context of Cuba


The thesis document was structured in:
Introduction, which describes the problematic situation, exposes and bases the scientific problem to be solved.
Chapter 1. That addresses the theoretical and methodological references of the research, delves into the object of study and determines its current status.
Chapter 2. Where the model is developed and the material and method of the research tasks carried out for the conception of the model, its components, interrelationships and procedures, as well as the validation of the model as a way of testing the hypothesis are exposed.
Conclusions, recommendations, consulted bibliography and annexes.
The contributions of the research refer to the scientific novelty when characterizing the Design profession in the social and productive context of Cuba, which integrates the object of the profession with professional competencies.
The construction of an integrative theoretical conception of Design, which defines and interrelates the components of the object of the profession. The methodological value given by the logic of the relational model to characterize the Design profession in the social and productive context of Cuba. The model is bidirectional and allows a transition from professional problems to designer profiles and vice versa.
Socially, it contributes to the general culture of Design, to the construction of policies and to the insertion in reality, as a way to improve the quality of life and socio-cultural development of the country.
The model and its theoretical framework constitute the conceptual basis of the curricula of the Design careers in relation to the professional models, profiles, specializations and objective systems for careers and years, also contributing to the improvement and training of all graduate levels and job training.
And as an economic contribution it is considered that this tool assists in the processes of insertion and integration of Design in the economic and social reality, allows a better organization of the exercise of the profession and the management of human resources in the Register of designers, Qualifiers


Urueña Téllez, William Fredys. Guidelines for the formulation of public design policies in Ecuador.


Taking as a public problem the lack of insertion of design as a factor of productive, economic, social and cultural development in Ecuador and its social responsibility, the formulation of policies in this sense constitutes one of the main design management strategies for: preservation identity in material heritage, environmental sustainability, productive development, competitiveness, improvement of marketing and image processes, innovation in companies, products, processes and services, among others. On the other hand, poor planning in the formulation of these types of projects leads to them not being able to respond to the proposed objectives, goals and users. Consequently, the objective of this research is to show the value of the use of the Logical Framework Approach (EML) as a tool for planning, evaluating and managing social development projects, specifically, policies for Design. For the generation of the problems, causes and effects, we worked with data from the Ecuadorian Chamber of Design collected since 2011, specifically the reports of the work tables carried out in the four versions of the International Chrome Meeting, with the participation of the State. , the academy, businessmen, users and designers represented in different associations nationwide. The results and conclusions of applying the EML are shown in the statement of four public policies aimed at: promotion and promotion of Design, improvement of productivity, innovation and competitiveness, training in designs; observation, research and design culture.


How to Cite
Martínez, J. E., & Peón, F. A. (2019). From the academy. 2019 - ISDi Doctorate Thesis. Master’s Thesis. A3manos, 6(11), 73. Retrieved from
Curriculum synthesis

Juan E. Martínez, Instituto Superior de Diseño de la UH

Profesor Titular del Instituto Superior de Diseño. Doctor en Psicología (Universidad de Girona, España). Doctor en Pedagogía (MES, Cuba). Licenciado en Historia. Licenciado en Educación. Master en Ciencias de la Educación Superior. Diplomado en Diseño Postal. Investiga en Formación del Profesorado, Estrategias de Enseñanza y Aprendiza, Investigación-Acción. Ha impartido cursos y conferencias en universidades de Bolivia, Ecuador, Haití, Uruguay, España y San Marino. Desarrolla docencia de pregrado y postgrado.

Fernando A. Peón, Instituto Superior de Diseño de la UH

Master en Informática Aplicada. Graduado de la Universidad Pedagógica Enrique José Varona en 1977 como profesor de Matemática y en 1979 de Licenciado en Educación en la Especialidad de Matemática. Licenciado en Matemática en 1988 por la Universidad de La Habana. Profesor Auxiliar desde 2000. Profesor de programas de Maestría en el ISDi, la CUJAE y universidades pedagógicas cubanas, así como profesor invitado en universidades de Brasil, Venezuela, Ecuador y Argentina. Miembro de la WACRA (World Association for Case Method Research & Application). Ha sido profesor en la CUJAE y la UCI, ene sta ultima Decanoy Director de Formación Postgraduada. Actualmente es Metodólogo en la Dirección de Investigación y Postgrados del Instituto Superior de Diseño de la Universidad de La Habana. Es autor o coautor de libros, programas docentes de pregrado y postgrado, así como de artículos científicos sobre temas de educación e informática.


Peña, S. L. (2019) Tesis de doctor: Modelo para caracterizar la profesión de diseño. En el contexto social y productivo de Cuba. La Habana. Biblioteca ISDi

Urueña, W. F. (2019) Tesis de maestría: Lineamientos para la formulación de políticas públicas de diseño en el Ecuador. La Habana. Biblioteca ISDi

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