Vol. 10 No. 19 (2023): No. 19 - January - June / 2023

Valuable performances and goals achieved

Orestes Castro

In the year 2022, Cuban universities have been at the epicenter of efforts to link science, technology and innovation in order to find solutions to society's problems.

For the Higher Institute of Design (Isdi), especially the Center for Design Studies (Cedi), it has also been a year of development of learning communities and shared knowledge between designers-teachers, who have become researchers, with valuable performances and goals achieved.

Graduates 1990-1991

Juan Emilio Martínez


Photographs of the students of the third graduation of the ISDi 1990-1991

p. 55-57


Graduados 1991-1992

Juan Emilio Martínez


Photographs of the students of the fourth graduation of the ISDi 1991-1992

p. 58-60

Design of interior spaces of the Freyre de Andrade university hospital.

Camila A. Cedeño
Rita G. Puig
Elizett Bermúdez
Lissette Ricardo
Alfredo Rodríguez


Space design solutions are proposed for the lobby-reception areas and hospital admission room type of the General Freyre de Andrade Clinical Surgical Teaching Hospital, also known as the Emergency Hospital; Located in the municipality of Centro Habana, the proposal is adapted to the norms and technical requirements of hospital spaces, also taking into account respect for the patrimonial character of the building and the non-modification of its structural elements. Meanwhile, a solution is proposed that offers the population spaces dedicated to public health that are modernized and appropriate to the contextual environmental conditions of their location.


Desk organizer "Regias".

Sofía García
Mayara Espinosa


The project presents the “Regias” desk organizer, whose work philosophy is sustainable design. This work philosophy is maintained as a premise during all stages of the project to cause the minimum environmental, economic and social impact. The project calls for the use of renewable natural raw materials, clean energy and sustainable production processes.

PhD thesis: Cognitive ergonomic requirements to be considered in the design of user interfaces aimed at older adults Cubans with autonomy and validity.

Milvia Pérez


Cuba is facing demographic aging that determines the priority task of diversifying multidisciplinary research related to the elderly. This research addresses the problem of the use of user interfaces in the Cuban elderly and is part of the project: Psychophysiological regularities for the design of user interfaces for vulnerable populations, developed by the Higher Institute of Design of the University of Havana. , in collaboration with the Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery.


PhD thesis: Evaluation model of the Visual Communication Design of business management software developed in software producing organizations in Cuba.

Yamilet Pino


This research focuses on the Visual Communication Design of business management software (SGE), a product that allows handling data and information related to the management, planning and administration of vital resources for entities. In response, a Quality Assessment Model of the DCV of the SGE is proposed, which contains a procedure for its application in the product life cycle, which emphasizes its review within the producing organization and complements the Design discipline to the actions. quality assessments in software engineering.


PhD thesis: Product design evaluation model as an instrument of environmental management.

Arianet Valdivia


This research presents a product design evaluation model as an environmental management instrument with general procedure which integrates approaches, conceptions and theoretical models related to environmental evaluation, design and management. Proposal that is based on the theoretical concepts and design process methodology of the Higher Institute of Design of the University of Havana. Furthermore, the theoretical and practical verification of the model allowed promoting environmental integration in the National Design Quality Evaluation System, and its improvement.  Main contributions are showed in a systemic and elective conception of the model, with its procedure. Results contribute to the environmental problem visualization from design to teaching and project methodology improvement, and to transition from environmental efficiency to environmental quality within the framework of the National Environmental Strategy.


Book: Ecodesign A life cicle approach for a sustainable future.

Karine van Doorsselaer


This unique book serves as a key guide for designers, organizations, governments, companies, or anybody else with an interest in a sustainable future, by addressing three main topics: First, ecodesign is explained for what it is and how it fits with the necessity for a sustainable planet. Second, ecodesign is shown to be a coherent and practical process with a plan and tools that can be used to provide solutions for the environmental challenges the world faces. Third, the impact of the ecodesign approach is elaborated for enterprises, governments, and consumers.

Giselle Goicovic
Mario C. Zaldivar
Armando Díaz
Leandro M. Laurencena
Laura M. Díaz
Arianet Valdivia
Ariadna Doeste
Boris A. Pérez
Merly R. Nápoles
Noelia Barrueta
Eglis Cortina
Berta Bosque
Héctor S. Miranda
Carmen M. Vilela
Kyra Fernández
Juan Emilio Martínez
Camila A. Cedeño
Sofía García
Milvia Pérez
Yamilet Pino
Karine van Doorsselaer
Orestes Castro