The Principal Teacher of the year: Fundamental link in the Educational Teaching Process


The Principal Teacher of the year: Fundamental link in the Educational Teaching Process

Manuel Fernández


The objective of the work is to present an aid material to teachers and, especially, to the main teachers of the year that contributes to strengthening the work of the academic year groups during the development of the Educational Teaching Process (PDE in spanish) in our teaching institutions of Upper level.
The work brings together a series of ideas taken from the experience of several fellow teachers who have held this position for several years of their professional lives. It does not mean recipes or absolute truths, much less is it intended to replace what is regulated or established. We simply intend to reveal some little-known elements about the functions and working methods of the main teacher of the year that, if applied correctly, would help the work cohesion of the group of teachers of the academic year with greater attention to the students and thus influence the quality development of the Educational Teaching Process (PDE) and the proper functioning of our university institutions.


How to Cite
Fernández, M. (2022). The Principal Teacher of the year: Fundamental link in the Educational Teaching Process. A3manos, 9(16), 81–86. Retrieved from
Curriculum synthesis

Manuel Fernández, Instituto Superior de Diseño de la UH

Licenciado en Ciencias Sociales (1987). Master en Ciencias Pedagógicas Militares (1999). Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas (2007). Posee la Categoría Docente Principal de Profesor Titular. Es profesor de Historia y Filosofía y Sociedad en el Departamento de Marxismo-Leninismo del Instituto Superior de Diseño (ISDI). Ha realizado investigaciones sobre personalidad, motivación profesional y desarrollo de valores, así como vinculado a diferentes proyectos de investigación. Ha participado en numerosos eventos científicos internacionales y nacionales en los que ha presentado ponencias que han obtenido reconocimientos. Ha publicado libros y artículos sobre temáticas vinculadas a la Motivación Profesional, Personalidad, Pedagogía, Historia, Personalidades, entre otros. Es miembro de la Asociación de Pedagogos, de la Asociación de Historiadores de Cuba y de la Sociedad Cultural José Martí.


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