The development of creativity in Design students.
The work aims to demonstrate the importance of developing creativity in design students in the context of the Educational Teaching Process at the Higher Design Institute (ISDI), thus achieving greater professional training that contributes to the comprehensive development of their personality.
The students who enter the ISDI to train as designers are prepared, updated students with a high academic index, good cultural training and skills in the use of new technologies, in addition to choosing a career among the first options for having aptitudes and preferences towards the same, together with having a series of qualities among which we can mention: motivation, inventiveness, independence, spark, consecration, among others. It seems that they want to have a sixth sense, that is, to be creative, so to train creative designers it is essential that it be manifested and developed in the teaching process of the institution.
In order to study the ways to develop creative thinking, some ideas related to the concept of creativity, its stages and levels, as well as the main obstacles and obstacles during its practical application are presented in this work.
Finally, some recommendations are presented to educate creativity in our students based on our pedagogical experience with the aim of promoting the optimal individual development of the creative potential of each student and, in fact, producing knowledge within the framework of a developmental teaching.
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