A didactics to train designers.
The objective of the following work is to characterize the creative Didactics and the need for our educators to be creative in their pedagogic activities, activating at the same time the creativity in their students in the hopes of bettering the teaching process in the Superior Institute of Design (ISDi).
The students that enroll at the ISDi to form themselves as designers are prepared students with high academic results; apart from selecting the career as one of their first options because of their abilities and preferences towards it, they also pose a series of qualities of which we can mention: motivation, imagination, independence, spark and sacrifice, amongst others. It seems to be that they aspire to poses a sixth sense, to be creative; which is why to form creative designers it’s essential to count with creative educators that develop creative didactics.
That is why, education at any level, should be conceived as a modeling process of the interactions that should exist between educators and students; with the objective of facilitating the optimal individual development of the potential creativity.
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