Application of the philosophy of Concurrent Engineering in the design process of machinery in the ISDi.
Since the last decades of the twentieth century, thanks to the development of ICTs, the philosophy of Concurrent Engineering (CI) began to be applied, which is based on x-disciplinary and non-sequential work, in order to respond more quickly, effectively and efficiently to the development and production of products. Machinery design has benefited from the philosophy of CE, and the use of ICTs, that increase the productivity of design, shorten work times; they allow remote access to information by multiple actors, improve the quality of the solutions and their documentation; they allow: preview parts or mechanisms; to simulate the interaction between the parties, or between the user with the product; as well as checking the resistance of the materials used, joints or assemblies.
The diagnosis expresses the current state of the application of the CE and the ICTs in the process of design of machinery in the ISDi and the Cubanb industry, evidenced inconsistencies in their results.
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