The ISDi, acting in times of Covid 19 crisis


The ISDi, acting in times of Covid 19 crisis

Juan Emilio Martínez


ISDi, act in time of Covid 19 crisis.
The ISDI, the only training center for professionals in industrial design and visual communication design in Cuba, with enrollment of students from all over the nation, has never closed.
The feeling of belonging and commitment of its students, teachers, service workers and managers has allowed its actions in times of crisis.
Overcoming the necessary pause in the face-to-face course, isolation, provincial border closures, strong sanitary regulations, transportation limitations and many others, its vitality has been maintained.
Just to mention some of these actions indoors and outdoors can be mentioned:

- Graduation of dozens of designers.
- The processes for categorizing teachers have continued to develop.
- The methodological preparation of the teaching subjects and disciplines has been completed.
- Classes were held in the non-face-to-face mode.
- The Master in Management and Design Innovation continued with the defense of the thesis.
- PhD training is progressing and new PhD theses in design will be defended shortly.
- ISDI professors designed the image and advertising campaign of the Cuban vaccine candidate SOBERANA 01, SOBERANA 02 and SOBERANA PLUS.
- The Martiano Project "Everywhere I am" presented an exhibition of paintings at the headquarters of the Cultural Society "José Martí" in Havana.
- ISDi is more present on social networks.
- A3manos is approaching to increase its frequency to three annual issues, the presentation of its interface in English and the publication of articles in this language.

With security and confidence in the future the Cuban design university advances.


How to Cite
Martínez, J. E. (2022). The ISDi, acting in times of Covid 19 crisis. A3manos, 8(15), 3. Retrieved from