Evaluation as a professional performance of the designers.A teaching - research experience.
The term assessment is widely used in all areas of knowledge, in the most di-verse organizations, and is also a requirement of all programs and scientific projects, however, the design and area of knowledge and as a profession is still a topic insufficiently treated. This paper focuses on the evaluation and mode of action of design professionals and aims to report an educational experience - research that allowed characterize this mode of action from the Appreciative Inquiry approach (A.I.)
The methodology used is as paradigms of research - action - participatory foundations of positive psychology and social constructionism. a qualitative design, consisting of working with a community of practice already established (Group Master of Design Management at the Higher Institute of Design) and directing it towards a learning community assessment was developed. The fundamental organizational form was conducting theoretical workshops - practical. Teaching and research methods were used, those described, with emphasis on the latter, including: participant observation, interviews with focus groups, documentary and product activity analysis and determination of individual and group satisfaction participants.
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