Scientific production by A3manos collaborators
A new issue of A3manos arrives, the last of 2017, and in it we make available to our readers the scientific production of ISDi designers and professors, as well as some foreign collaborators and other professionals from related fields, in recent times. On this occasion we begin with a work that addresses the application of information and communication technologies to design. ISDi young professors bring a proposal on the process of presenting design projects through a methodological alternative developed and accepted by the teaching community. We present the project "Design of an optimal jar", which provides a solution to one of the problems included in the Physics course of the ISDi Industrial Design career. The selection of materials for industrial design in Cuba is also addressed on this discipline. From the National University of Colombia we received "Centaurum Black"", an original article, presented by its authors as a paper at the last FORMA congress, which exposes the details of the design and construction of the chair used by a Colombian Paralympic medalist at the Olympics. of Rio de Janeiro in 2016. About the design of spaces we have "A landscape on rails. Proposal for the urban-railway cultural landscape south of the bay and its associated industry". This number ends with a "Strategy for the training of doctors in Design. Its first results in the ISDi", research that was highlighted in the provincial event of the 11th. International Congress of Higher Education.
We appreciate the support of our collaborators and we remind those interested of the requirements for the presentation of articles in our magazine:
. Brief summary of the curriculum (600 characters) of the author(s). You must also add an email address and/or contact telephone number.
.Title, abstract (no more than 130 words) and keywords of the text in Spanish and English.
.The article will be delivered as Word text, the title and subtitles in bold. Preferably in Arial, 12 points. The place where the figures should go will be indicated in the text between parentheses. Example: (figure 1).
.Images must be submitted in JPG format at 150 dpi resolution, in files separate from the text and numbered. It must also be delivered in a separate Word with the list of photo captions.
.References will appear consecutively numbered at the end of the text. Both these and the bibliography will be prepared according to the APA (American Psychological Association Publication Style Manual) standards.
.All articles received will be evaluated by the referees of A3manos and its Editorial Committee.
Collaborations should be sent to the email
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- Attribution — You must give appropriate credit , provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made . You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
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- No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.
- ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contribution under the same license as the original. NOTE: This point applies to numbers 1 to 20 of the magazine with the previous CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. Does not apply to the new CC BY-NC 4.0 license from Volume 11, Number. 21 (2024).