Maintainability, your forecast from the design of the machines.
The article aims to present the results of the research developed on the behavior of maintainability property to a selected sample of cane harvesters in the 2018-2019 harvest period, the work was developed by a multidisciplinary team composed of professors and students from the University of Holguín, from the CUJAE Maintenance Engineering Study Center and specialists from the Higher Institute of Design, as well as selected personnel from the AzCuba group of the Holguín province linked to the preparation of the harvest in the production unit "Urbano Noris" of said province. In the work, five KTP-2M model sugarcane harvesters with an age of 10 years were selected, driven by operators with an average experience of 13 years, in addition, opinions of specialists and technicians related to the exploitation of agricultural technique were taken into account.
It was used for the compilation and analysis of the information, the filling of the chronocharts where the behavior of the machines is collected on a daily basis during 60 days of harvest belonging to the aforementioned period. The research allowed to propose actions to guarantee the best interpretation of the status of the property of the maintainability of the machines from the design stage and in a general sense to propose the Operational Reliability project for them, to support the proposal the method of Kendal non-parametric expert, using 14 experts.
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