Reflections on mechanical design in the 21st century.
The work presents some reflections on the three main properties of design declared by classical schools at the international level, such as ideology, concept and aesthetics seen with an integrating approach without there being any distinction between the generic concept of a purely work artistic or cutting engineering. The work also addresses the main international trends that support the existence of a new theory of mechanical design that would allow to consider new paradigms for this branch of knowledge and that are appreciated under a more comprehensive and comprehensive vision, as opposed to already schematic canons and that they deserve to be revolutionized nowadaysconfronting a narrow scope of the design. The incursion of advanced technologies in the design during the production of equipment, machines and objects, all identified as products that are developed in the XXI century are evidence of a growing development of science, technology and innovation in this branch of knowledge. The present work is based on a descriptive investigation of this phenomenon, where for its development experts are used in the subject that together with an adequate bibliographic review and the author's experience validates the foundations that sustain these reflections.
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