A contemporary approach to the Gestalt Theory. Classical and new grouping principles.
An important part of the knowledges that integrate the current Design's Theory -e.g. resources of the Form- are completely supported on Gestalt conceptions from the past century. There is an obvious disarrangement among the sets Gestalt Theory and Design's Theory. Therefore, it is re-quired a reconsideration of the traditional Gestalt approach, its conceptual basis and major postulates. With this in mind, the present work begins with a rewiew of the key findings and ideas in the Berlin School of Gestalt Psychology. Next, we discuss its empirical and conceptual problems, and indicate how they are addressed in contemporary research on perceptual grouping. Finally, we conclude with a list of the currently active grouping principles. The present article summarizes the main contributions about perceptual grouping, its classical laws and new inclusions.
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