Ericksonian hypnosis as a resource for teaching artistic drawing.


Ericksonian hypnosis as a resource for teaching artistic drawing.



Author's goal in this work is to apply Ericksonian Hypnosis (EH) to teaching artistic drawing. EH uses a special type of communication called hypnotic language, in this technique, along with verbal, images and metaphors, body language is used too. The advantage of this technique is that the subconscious is directly accessed, achieving effective communication, so the student experiments a natural and spontaneous connection. We have taken this concept of hypnosis created by Milton Erickson (1901-1980) and merged it with a method of teaching drawing: "The natural way of draw" by Kimon Nicolaides (1891-1938). We believe that these two blended conceptions might improve the teaching of artistic drawing, since both use expanded states of consciousness, involuntary movements of the body, dissociation of symbolic perception and also, because both are considered natural processes seeking to activate our internal resources or laws of nature. Some important founds of this research are: that, although the artist intuits the whole of the experience when drawing, he enters the same a certain hypnotic trance. However, he is unaware (in general) of the characteristics of those states, hence, that does not allow him to handle them, as he is lacking a referential structure. Thenceforth it can be concluded that the implementation of Ericksonian hypnosis in the teaching of artistic drawing, can help the artist to gain clarity of these states, enhancing the type of knowledge and access to perceptual "reality" whether external or internal.


How to Cite
Gabriel. (2021). Ericksonian hypnosis as a resource for teaching artistic drawing. A3manos, 8(15), 4–10. Retrieved from
Curriculum synthesis

Gabriel, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

Departamento/Facultad: DISEÑO GRAFICO. Coordinador de Posgrado e Investigación. UAM (Azcapotzalco) - Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Ciudad: México, D.F.

Estudios: Lic. en Artes Visuales. Maestría en Artes visuales. Doctorado en Estética, Ciencia y Tecnología de las Artes.

Idiomas: Inglés y Frances.

Experiencia profesional: El dibujo como arte y sus problemas de enseñanza.

Años de experiencia profesional: Profesional - 25

Docente - 25


Erickson, H. Milton. (2018). Un sanador americano, México: ALOM Editores.

Erickson, H. Milton. (1983). Healing in Hypnosis: The Seminars, Workshops, and Lectures. (Ernest L. Rossi, Margaret O. Ryan, & Florence A. Sharp, Eds.). New York: Irvington.

Hannaford, C. (2008). Aprender moviendo el cuerpo, México, Editorial Pax.

James, William. (2017). Las variedades de la experiencia religiosa, España, Editorial Trotta.

Nicolaides, Kimon. (2014). La forma natural de dibujar, México: FAD-UNAM.

Robles, Teresa. (2010). Concierto para cuatro cerebros, México: ALOM Editores.

Nicolaides. Kimon. (2014). La forma natural de dibujar, México: FAD-UNAM.

Milton H. Erickson, (1983). Healing in Hypnosis: The Seminars, Workshops, and Lectures. (Ernest L. Rossi, Margaret O. Ryan, & Florence A. Sharp, Eds.). New York: Irvington.

Estos diálogos son una traducción de Javier Rubio Quirós, Médico-Psiquiatra de Tarragona, a partir del libro: Healing in Hypnosis, arriba mencionado. Tomado el día 18 de abril de 2019, de: 4 James, William. (2017). Las variedades de la experiencia religiosa, España, Editorial Trotta.

Dra. Teresa Robles Uribe. Fundadora y Presidenta del Consejo del Centro Ericksoniano de México. Maestra en

Antropología Social, Doctora en Psicología Clínica y Terapeuta Familiar. Miembro de la Asociación Mexicana de Terapia Familiar, A.C. y de la Sociedad Internacional de Hipnosis desde 1992. Ha publicado más de 10 libros que se han traducido a diferentes idiomas y viaja a enseñar a diferentes países de América y Europa.

Robles, Teresa. (2010). Concierto para cuatro cerebros, México: ALOM Editores.

Nicolaides. Kimon. (2014). La forma natural de dibujar, México: FAD-UNAM. Pág. 18.

Nicolaides. Kimon. (2014). La forma natural de dibujar, México: FAD-UNAM. Pág. 17.

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