A3manos continued to grow


A3manos continued to grow

Juan Emilio Martínez


The year 2021 was tough, very strong for everyone; But A3manos, the Journal of the Cuban University of Design continued to grow, the objectives proposed at the beginning of the year were met and in the final months it was achieved:

  • stabilize the operation and visibility of the web.

  • On November 3, the University's Scientific and Technical Information Directorate directed its specialists to initiate the certification process in the Ministry of Science and Technology (Citma) and other databases.

  • the interface in English was incorporated.

  • and the editorial policy was expanded with the option of articles in English.

We think of 2022 as a year of:

  • stability / maturity in editorial work.

  • No. 16-2022 begins the publication of articles in English.

  • start the publication of thematic issues, the first should be available in May on Design in Ceramics.

  • convert A3manos into a competitive publication of high demand and quality among authors and readers / followers.

The editor


How to Cite
Martínez, J. E. (2022). A3manos continued to grow. A3manos, 9(16), 3. Retrieved from https://a3manos.isdi.co.cu/index.php/a3manos/article/view/103