Proposal of a model for colored lights, precise, digitizer and useful for design. Returning to Munsell.
Since 1905, Albert Munsell has unveiled a conceptually precise color pigment model called "tree of color". As of 1931, various color models for lights have been created, to be digitized, in which attempts have been made to reach the accuracy of the "tree", without success. This work investigates the causes that cause the imprecision of the current models for light colors, with a view to propose a model, digitized, precise and useful to the Design, with the Munsell as a paradigm.
Historical, logical, explanatory, comparative and deductive methods have been followed. The HSV, HLS and HSB models, repeatedly used in Design, after the "tree" and the RGB Cube for light colors were analyzed and compared. Specific and general inaccuracies were identified that have their fundamental explanation, in the conditioning of color, as a phenomenon, to the morphology of the model.
The proposal is a color-coded model of lights, in which each color occupies a point (X, Y, Z), pertinent with each quality, and with the color itself, resulting from the algorithmic interpretation of clarity, Saturation, and the formulation of a concept, Chromatic Reason (RC), whose functions are of dye nomination, control in the monochrome model and order in the search of color scales. The irregular morphology rigorously rep-resents the color phenomenon and is a conceptual correspondence with the theory of Hemholtz assumed and interpreted by Munsell in his "tree of color".
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