The living image before the symbols of power


The living image before the symbols of power

Cristina Corral


State terrorism and its victims constitute problems addressed by contemporary art. The vision of this topic through images is an important aspect to establish the similarities between events of this nature that occurred in Latin America. This article is an approach to these issues taking as a starting point a photograph taken at the funeral of the victims of the sabotage of the Cubana Airlines plane in october 1976.


How to Cite
Corral, C. (2024). The living image before the symbols of power. A3manos, 12(23). Retrieved from
Curriculum synthesis

Cristina Corral, Higher Institute of Design. University of Havana

Industrial Designer specializing in Ceramics. Professor at ISDi, she teaches the subjects of Basic Design, Materials and Processes, and Surface Design. She carries out projects and exhibitions: Design of ceramic furniture for electric kitchen, 1995; Colored ceramic glazes, 1996; Collective Exhibition. Universidade Estacio de Sa. Rio de Janeiro. Brazil, 1997; Project for an ecological restaurant in Las Terrazas. Pinar del Rio, 1997_1999; Design of a set of containers for spices and dry products for the ecological restaurant of Las Terrazas, Pinar del Rio, 1998; Collective Exhibition: 100% Cuban Design, Expo of utilitarian ceramics made in Cuba, Museum of Ceramics, 2019. She is a member of the Cuban Association of Artisan Artists. She has participated in all the Fairs of the Cuban Fund of Cultural Goods.


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