Proposal for a Design procedure for the ergonomic adaptation of user interfaces for older adults


Proposal for a Design procedure for the ergonomic adaptation of user interfaces for older adults

Rafael Antonio Benítez Rojas
Milvia Pérez


The technological development through user interfaces offers medical diagnostic devices and systematic self-monitoring of health at home to prolong the quality of life of the older Cuban adult who represents 22.3% of the population. These interfaces optimize operational efficiency, meet expectations, and promote inclusivity and independence as they adapt to the capabilities and limitations derived from the aging process. The objective of this work is to show how design can contribute procedures for the development of ergonomic studies that will allow the detection of cognitive regularities that could be incorporated into the design process through quantitative specifications.


How to Cite
Benítez Rojas, R. A., & Pérez, M. (2024). Proposal for a Design procedure for the ergonomic adaptation of user interfaces for older adults. A3manos, 11(22). Retrieved from
Curriculum synthesis

Rafael Antonio Benítez Rojas, COMBIOMED Digital Medical Technology, BIOCUBAFARMA Business Group

Industrial Designer. 1st Level Biomedical Specialist.

Milvia Pérez, Higher Institute of Design. University of Havana

PhD in Technical Sciences. Design Manager. Industrial Designer. Associate Professor. Head of the Design Study Center.


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