The influence of the Modern Movement in Cuba in new housing projects


The influence of the Modern Movement in Cuba in new housing projects

Liena N. Pelegrín
Natalí Collado
Olivia Sánchez


Modernity took root in Cuba in the twentieth century with great strength in all areas. The architecture and urbanism were not exempt from this phenomenon.
In the house of the twentieth century they saw substantial changes in both the spatial and functional, as well as linking other branches of art.
This work aims to make an approach to the design of the hous-es of the modern movement as a paradigm of quality in the treatment of the interior spaces in the Cuban architecture and is of great importance for the development of the current home.
An analysis of a proposed apartment building inspired by the modern movement that shows that if you can design creatively respecting the environment, looking for variety in the solutions of the apartments, adapting to the climatic conditions of Cuba and achieve was done high levels of comfort in the interior spaces.


How to Cite
Pelegrín, L. N., Collado, N., & Sánchez, O. (2000). The influence of the Modern Movement in Cuba in new housing projects. A3manos, 2(3), 76–98. Retrieved from
Curriculum synthesis

Liena N. Pelegrín, Instituto Superior de Diseño de la UH

Arquitecta, Graduada en la Facultad de Arquitectura, Instituto Superior Politécnico José Antonio Echeverría, CUJAE. Máster en Vivienda Social. Profesora por 3 años en la Facultad de Arquitectura en las asignaturas Expresión Gráfica de la Arquitectura y el Urbanismo IV, V, VI; Introducción a la Arquitectura y el Urbanismo (IAU) II y III, Diseño de la Arquitectura y el Urbanismo (DAU) II; Diseño y Acondicionamiento Ambiental (DAA) III y IV. Profesora asistente de Instituto de Diseño, ISDI. Profesora de la disciplina Ergonomía I y III, Computación VI (Autocad y Sketchup).

Natalí Collado, Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana J.A. Echeverría

Arquitecta, Máster en Vivienda Social, profesora instructora de la Facultad de Arquitectura, Instituto Superior Politécnico José Antonio Echeverría, CUJAE.

Olivia Sánchez, Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana J.A. Echeverría

Arquitecta, Máster en Vivienda Social, profesora instructora, Facultad de Arquitectura, Instituto Superior Politécnico José Antonio Echeverría, CUJAE. Docente de la Disciplina de Diseño.


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