History of Cuba subject: a teaching designed for the specialty of Design


History of Cuba subject: a teaching designed for the specialty of Design

Daysi Hernández
Jorge Aguilera


The E study plans approved for cuban higher education in 2016 propose the improvement of the professional training model from a broad profile, focusing on the achievement of a greater relevance of the careers to the current socioeconomic needs and demands of the country, The teaching of Design in Cuba is in correspondence with the proposals of those plans, related to the training of a professional who integrates the values that give meaning to life and a prosperous society. The teaching of the History of Cuba encourages in the Design specialty the multilateral approach of complex processes that cover the whole of the material and spiritual life of our society, in addition to learning strategies that prioritize a developer didactics. This way, it contributes more accurately to its integration with the main discipline Design, which is the main objective of the theme presented in this exhibition.


How to Cite
Hernández , D., & Aguilera , J. (2023). History of Cuba subject: a teaching designed for the specialty of Design. A3manos, 10(20), 63–71. Retrieved from https://a3manos.isdi.co.cu/index.php/a3manos/article/view/354
Curriculum synthesis

Daysi Hernández , Superior Institute of Design. University of Havana. Havana

She completed university studies at the University of Havana specializing in History (1988). She did a master's degree in Educational Sciences (2009) at the Enrique José Varona Higher Pedagogical Institute. She is head of the Department of History and Marxism-Leninism and assistant professor at the Higher Institute of Design. She investigates the work culture.

Jorge Aguilera , Superior Institute of Design. University of Havana. Havana

He completed university studies at the Enrique José Varona Higher Pedagogical Institute specializing in History and Social Sciences. He did a master's degree in Contemporary History at the University of Havana. assistant professor at the Higher Institute of Design.


Castellanos Simón, D., Castellanos, D., Castella-nos, B., Livina, M. J., Silverio, M., Reinoso, C. & Gar-cía, C., (2002) Aprender y enseñar en la escuela. La Habana: Editorial Pueblo y Educación.

Fragoso, Olivia (2008). El Diseño como actividad multidisciplinaria. En Revista del Centro de Inves-tigación. Universidad La Salle, vol. 8, No. 29, enero-junio, 2008, pp. 55-68. Distrito Federal, México. Disponible en: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id 34282907 consultado 11-11-2020 12:50

Isdi, (2016). Plan de estudios carrera de Diseño, formato digital.

Isdi, (2016). Programa asignatura Historia de Cu-ba, formato digital.

MES, (2016). Plan de estudios E, formato digital.