The role of the international workshop in teaching design at ISDi


The role of the international workshop in teaching design at ISDi

Raúl Bejerano
Mariela Cuevas


The present article aims to expose the role of international workshops in teaching design at ISDi, as well as the main results obtained from carrying them out, and the impact they have had on stimulating the creative and investigative work of their participants.
The development of teaching activity requires a permanent commitment to training, research and professional updating. If the student is more focused to his own execution than to listen and consider the presentations of others, the idea of the collective construction of knowledge that also emerges from the experience provided by group work is lost, the application of the learned theory to objective reality, and the necessary link with the context in which it develops.
The “Workshops??? are intensive work study group, generally organized in blocks with time intervals for the attendees to rest. It is a term currently widely used in the business world to develop work in interdisciplinary groups, and as a teaching method it has reached a high number of followers because it encourages the exchange of experiences and encourages teamwork. 
ISDi has proactively incorporated this method of direct contribution to teaching into its design careers, with an increasingly international character. This has allowed the attendees to participate actively, the increase of the collective creativity, a promotion of cultural exchange, the results before and after the workshop provides an important portion of cognitive novelty to students and teachers who share this experience. 
The study methods used were observation and experimentation, and the interview and documentary analysis as associated techniques.


How to Cite
Bejerano, R., & Cuevas, M. (2021). The role of the international workshop in teaching design at ISDi. A3manos, 8(14), 75–79. Retrieved from
Curriculum synthesis

Raúl Bejerano, Instituto Superior de Diseño de la UH

Graduado de Ingeniero Industrial (1988) en la Universidad de Matanzas, Máster en Organización de la Producción (1996) en el Instituto Superior Politécnico José Antonio Echeverría. Ha trabajado durante más 25 años en el sector de la electrónica, la informática, la automatización y las comunicaciones, en las actividades de ingeniería, organización y negocios internacionales. Ha estado vinculado a la docencia universitaria por más de 10 años. Ha recibido reconocimientos por su trabajo profesional vinculado a la gestión y a la ingeniería industrial a lo largo de su vida laboral. Actualmente se desempeña como Profesor Asistente y Director de Relaciones Internacionales y Negocios del ISDi.

Mariela Cuevas, Instituto Superior de Diseño de la UH

Graduada de Psicología en la Universidad de la Habana (2012). Durante veinte años trabajó en el mundo empresarial (Gerente Comercial). Actualmente se desempeña como profesora de Psicología en el Instituto Superior de Diseño y como Gestora del departamento de Proyecto y desarrollo del ISDi, perteneciente a la dirección de relaciones internacionales del propio instituto, cursa una maestría en Gestión de Diseño y está llevando a cabo una investigación sobre el papel del diseño en los proyectos internacionales de corte medioambiental.


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