Introduction to Ergonomics Applied to Industrial Design.


Introduction to Ergonomics Applied to Industrial Design.

Franco C. Grossi


Ergonomics (or Human Factors) is the scientific discipline that deals with the understanding of the interactions between humans, other elements of a system and the environment. The ergonomist applies theories, principles, data and methods of all sciences, with a holistic systemic approach, in order to optimize the design for human well-being and overall system performance. All industrialized nations today refer to Ergonomics as an indispensable "tool" for the design of any product and more than 100 ISO-EN ergonomic standards have been promulgated to which any product and production process must comply. The purpose of Ergonomics is to identify a user-oriented design and, to this end, to provide the designer with guidelines to proceed in compliance with the constraints imposed by the physical and psychophysiological characteristics of the human being.


How to Cite
Grossi, F. C. (2022). Introduction to Ergonomics Applied to Industrial Design. A3manos, 9(18), 16–20. Retrieved from
Curriculum synthesis

Franco C. Grossi, Kazan Innovative University

Prof. Dr. Arch. Franco Claudio Grossi is currently Professor Emeritus of Applied Ergonomics at the Kazan Innovative University and at the Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering, Russian Federation. He coordinates several international research projects, is the author of numerous scientific publications and is included in the Register of Experts (No. 6533) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Moscow (ICT and Ergonomics), in the Register of Eurasian Ergonomists IREA, Moscow and Senior Expert No. EX2013D138315 at the European Commission. He has taught for many years at the Universities of Trieste and Udine, Italy.


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