Typographical competences: A formative proposal to be, to know and to know how to do.
The formative approach for professional competences has been researched at the Higher Institute of Design, both at the general curriculum level and in specific areas of careers. The main objective of this paper is to propose the typographical competences that should be formed in the Cuban design student, considering the new 4-year training context and the cur-rent demands of the Cuban reality. To achieve the result, based on methods and techniques such as analysis-synthesis, deduction-induction, documentary analysis, structured observation and questionnaires, the theoretical and conceptual referents on the subject are systematized. A diagnosis of typographic training is also carried out at ISDi, where correct and incorrect results are obtained and an important group of study variables are identified. Finally, a proposal of typographical competences is elaborated, whose structure considers the historical component and the integration of semantic, syntactic and pragmatic dimensions to effectively develop professional problems that demand the use of typography. The result considers both the knowledge and the skills necessary for the formation of the subject, without detracting from the axiological component and the acquired trade through practical experience in the design action.
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