Influence of the fe-c alloy type on surface roughness during face cylindrical milling. Importance for the spheres of action (object and machinery) of industrial designers.
An analysis of the influence of the type of C-Fe alloy in the surface roughness of pieces obtained by means of end milling in the finished stage is made. Surface profiles in steel surfaces and gray smelting of pieces machining with identical regimes of cut are obtained, pronouncing a significant difference in their values of surface roughness. The micrographs of C-Fe alloys and their mechanical properties are analyzed, being reflected the presence of ductile fractures in the steel and fragile in the gray smelting, due to the graphite lamina existence that act as concentrators of tensions in the smelting and cause their instantaneous rupture when interacting the piece with the tool under the action of the cut forces, originating a roughness of smaller quality.
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