Industrial design and visual communication vs perceived quality


Industrial design and visual communication vs perceived quality

Franco Claudio Grossi


This contribution identifies an innovative typology  of industrial  design  and visual communication,  capable  of overcoming the   perception   and  "affordance"   prob­ lems,  that  arise  and  develop  through methodologies based on proposals on an emotional level. So far, in fact, ithas been evaluated to influence the user by exploit­ ing only theemotional components ofthe product, such as color and shape, running into a gap between perceived quality and real quality.  Here we face  a new way  of developing an innovative strategy , based on erganomics, that combines the pecu­ liar  characteristics  and  needs  of the  in­ dustrial  object  with  the  image  of  the brand to refer to. Thus, was born the in­ tention to  make  use of the  most recent scientific    discoveries    concerning    the study  of  cognitive  processes,  those  on generative semiotics, Gestalt psychology, sensory  synesthetic  applications,  up  to the  new studies  on the evolution of the neocortex  (mirror  neurons.  memes).  in clase  connection  with  the  communica­ tive value of new media, social networks and the Metaverse.


How to Cite
Grossi, F. C. (2023). Industrial design and visual communication vs perceived quality. A3manos, 10(20), 16–22. Retrieved from
Curriculum synthesis

Franco Claudio Grossi, Kazan lnnovative University V.G. Timiryasov. Kazan

Prof. Dr. Arch. Franco Claudio Grossi is currently Professor Emeritus of Applied Ergonomics at the Kazan Innovative University and at the Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering, Russian Federation. He coordinates several international research projects, is the author of numerous scientific publications and is included in the Register of Experts (No. 6533) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Moscow (ICT and Ergonomics), in the Register of Eurasian Ergonomists IREA, Moscow and Senior Expert No. EX2013D138315 at the European Commission. He has taught for many years at the Universities of Trieste and Udine, Italy.


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