The political poster. Alive during the pandemic?


The political poster. Alive during the pandemic?

Andrés Fernández
Yosmany Fernández


Of the political poster, specific analyzes have been carried out on its presence as a means of communication and object of graphic design in diverse contexts. The article was aimed at assessing its role during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on the international scene.


How to Cite
Fernández , A., & Fernández , Y. (2023). The political poster. Alive during the pandemic?. A3manos, 10(20), 51–62. Retrieved from
Curriculum synthesis

Andrés Fernández , Higher Institute of Design. University of Havana. Havana

43 years of professional experience. Principal Professor of Political Theory at the Higher Institute of Design. In postgraduate teaching, he has taught courses related to Political Poster,professional and public Ethics in Diplomas of public Administration and Political Theory focus south in the diplomas of Management of Higher Education, at the Higher Institute of Design of the University of Havana . He participated in events related to the political poster and for the Cuban part, in the preparation of the textbook on public administration in Cuba, jointly with the Canadian University of Dalhousie. It continues to investigate the political cartel as a political socializing agent in Cuba and at the international level

Yosmany Fernández , Higher Institute of Design. University of Havana. Havana

12 years of professional experience. He has taught Cuban History courses in upper secondary education. In undergraduate higher education she History of Cuba, Philosophy, and Political Theory at the Higher Institute of Design of the University of Havana. She participated in events related to Political Science and the life and work of José Martí. He has published articles related to the history of design and the media war against the Cuban Revolution. She keeps researching on topics related to the Russian Soul.


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