Strengthening of the experiences between the Higher Institute of Design - UH and the Keracom Project.


Strengthening of the experiences between the Higher Institute of Design - UH and the Keracom Project.

Ariel Curbelo
Gladys Parrado


The development of close relations of exchange and collaboration between the University and Society are a priority to achieve a high development of the agreement between the Keracom Extension Project and the Higher Institute of Design of the University of Havana (ISDI-UH), therefore that this work shows the experiences between both.
The ISDi-UH is a university where joint work is not only between the teaching of the academy, but also with research and fundamentally with extension.
The collaboration is fruitful for both parties since joint projects are developed, work with the students and workers of the Institute in order to rescue the craft of ceramics, facilitate the interaction of students with the community in order to help change aesthetic tastes and formal, as well as taking into account design aspects for the objects that are made in the project, in their homes or in their workplaces.


How to Cite
Curbelo, A., & Parrado, G. (2022). Strengthening of the experiences between the Higher Institute of Design - UH and the Keracom Project. A3manos, 9(17), 63–67. Retrieved from
Curriculum synthesis

Ariel Curbelo

Ingeniero en mecanización agropecuaria.

Artista independiente ceramista. Director del Proyecto cultural comunitario Keracom.

Ha impartido conferencias y talleres de cerámica en el Instituto Superior de Diseño de la Universidad de La Habana, Cuba, en Costa Rica y España.

Actualmente cursa la maestría en artes decorativas y diseño en cerámica en la Universidad Estatal del Gzhel en la Federación de Rusia.

Gladys Parrado

Ingeniera química en cerámica y refractarios. Máster en artes decorativas y diseño en cerámica. Diplomado en pedagogía.

Profesora Auxiliar del Instituto Superior de Diseño de la Universidad de la Habana. Cuba.

Ha impartido conferencias y talleres de cerámica en Costa Rica, en la Federación de Rusia, las Islas Guadalupe de Francia y España.

Cursa el doctorado en la Universidad Estatal del Gzhel en la Federación de Rusia.

 Participó en  eventos internacionales de cerámica en Costa Rica, Islas Guadalupe de Francia, la Federación de Rusia y  México.