Master's Thesis: Corporate identity strategy of the Science-Technology Park of the Mayabeque province.


Master's Thesis: Corporate identity strategy of the Science-Technology Park of the Mayabeque province.

Yurien Alberto


The thesis develops a corporate identity design management tool in interfaces between companies, universities and science, technology and innovation entities in the Mayabeque province. The characterization of the centers that make up the Mayabeque University-Business Interface was based on the relational triangle between substance, function and form. Based on the results of the diagnosis and characterization, the brand strategy was established as the most effective corporate identity design strategy. This was the starting point for developing the proposal for a corporate identity design management tool, the validation of which was carried out according to the criteria of experts. The tool is suitable, with great utility in the management of the visual identity of the Mayabeque University-Company Interface and that it is very useful for design management, with wide potentialities of application in other Interface Companies, Complexes or Science Technology Parks from the country.


How to Cite
Alberto , Y. (2022). Master’s Thesis: Corporate identity strategy of the Science-Technology Park of the Mayabeque province. A3manos, 9(16), 97–98. Retrieved from
Curriculum synthesis

Yurien Alberto , Instituto de Ciencia Animal

Es Ingeniera en Informática, especialista en comunicación y márketing, miembro del departamento de mercadotecnia del Grupo de Comunicación del Instituto de Ciencia Animal. Se especializa en la comunicación institucional. Cursa la Maestría en Gestión de Diseño del Instituto Superior de Diseño. Ha recibido varios cursos nacionales e internacionales sobre la temática, realizó una estancia de investigación sobre Diseño Gráfico y Comunicación en Idioma Inglés en el Instituto APTECH, New Delhi, India. Dirigió el trabajo del Joven Club de Computación y Electrónica de San Nicolás, provincia Mayabeque.


Alberto, Y. (2021) Tesis de Maestría: Estrategia de identidad corporativa del Parque Científico-Tecnológico de la provincia de Mayabeque. La Habana. Biblioteca ISDi.

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