The distinctive features of artisanal design and industrial design.


The distinctive features of artisanal design and industrial design.

Franco C. Grossi


The theme of design is here addressed, understood in its broadest sense, therefore neither only aesthetic nor exclusively technical-productive. The intent is to privilege the point of view of the "design project" and to describe its connotations of implementation both in the craft and in the industrial activity. Then, there is the dichotomy between craftsman and artist, both linked to the anthropic factor of the place and its ‘genius loci’. In other words, there has always been that distinction between arts and crafts, where the latter, typical of craftsmanship, require manual practice like the former, but are aimed above all at the manufacture of objects with intrinsic functionality. The figure of the designer puts an end to this distinction. At last, an enunciation of the distinctive features of "industrial design" is provided.


How to Cite
Grossi, F. C. (2022). The distinctive features of artisanal design and industrial design. A3manos, 9(16), 13–16. Retrieved from
Curriculum synthesis

Franco C. Grossi, Kazan Innovative University

Prof. Dr. Arch. Franco Claudio Grossi is currently Professor Emeritus of Applied Ergonomics at the Kazan Innovative University and at the Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering, Russian Federation. He coordinates several international research projects, is the author of numerous scientific publications and is included in the Register of Experts (No. 6533) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Moscow (ICT and Ergonomics), in the Register of Eurasian Ergonomists IREA, Moscow and Senior Expert No. EX2013D138315 at the European Commission. He has taught for many years at the Universities of Trieste and Udine, Italy.


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