Usability as ergonomic property
Although the subject of Usability has been addressed previously, it is always linked to the evaluation of digital interfaces, never to industrial design objects. Consequently, it is decided to analyze the different theoretical approaches on Usability, in the search for elements that allow to determine if this concept can also be applied to industrial design objects. In this article, authors' models that include usability as part of their theories are exposed, for their selection, the relevance and significance of their work in the field of web usability was taken into account, some of them being fundamental pillars on the that are based most of the studies on the subject. After analyzing the concepts of Usability issued, it could be concluded that, although they have points in common, there is no consensus opinion that defines the term, since each author relates it to its specific field of study. Based on these conclusions, a concept of Usability consistent with the design of objects was defined, based on the link between the main elements proposed and the objectives of Ergonomics.
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