Role of Design for Effective Women's Leadership. Educational context.
Leadership theories have evolved throughout history, various styles and characteristics have been identified, which in the opinion of these authors depend on different factors and conditions such as attitude, organization, culture, among others. These times demand readjustments in leadership theories, but not on the basis of authority, but on the interest of meeting the objectives and goals of the organization. The changes must attend to the social context and the demands that are demanded from the cultural point of view. In this sense, it would be wrong to categorize leadership based on characteristics such as sex, since a leader is followed by factors such as communication, level of influence, knowledge, identification, empathy, among others.
Although the insertion of women in sectors such as politics and education has increased, they continue to be assigned characteristics that for cultural reasons belong to their gender. That is why female leadership is often represented with the inability to manage stressful situations, greater emotional closeness, greater expressiveness and sociability, sensitivity to the needs of the male and female companions and concern for personal image.
Higher level professional training is the process that consciously and on a scientific basis guarantees the solid training and preparation of university students based on theoretical, practical and ethical knowledge, in order to achieve educated, competent professionals and creative for their performance in society. Higher education is a space to promote a fair and inclusive culture from a gender perspective, where teaching staff at different organizational levels use the curricular and extracurricular path to achieve a comprehensive education.
Design works to solve problems that arise from a human-social need. Sociocultural design factors constitute research and analysis methods and techniques, the social problems of science and technology related to the activity of designing and obtaining information about the sociocultural context where use occurs, the human-product interaction.
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