A pedagogical experience with student assistants at Higher Institute of Desing


A pedagogical experience with student assistants at Higher Institute of Desing

Elisa Yanes
Rafael F. Ruiz de Quevedo


The work exposes the experiences in the teaching of Political Economy with the use of student assistants, in a subject that is not the rector at the Higher Institute of Design (ISDi), it did not turn out to be one of the most accepted by the students and, nevertheless, for years it has been able to approach several design students who, with a high interest and pedagogical vocation, have offered their collaboration so that the teaching and assimilation of Political Economy among their own classmates is better channeled.

These student assistants have been direct participants in the class preparation process; in the development of teaching aids; in teaching program classes; in the execution of several of the pedagogical actions included in the System of actions to raise the level of economic culture of ISDi students; in the control of teaching performance and evaluation.


How to Cite
Yanes , E., & Ruiz de Quevedo, R. F. (2024). A pedagogical experience with student assistants at Higher Institute of Desing. A3manos, 12(23). Retrieved from https://a3manos.isdi.co.cu/index.php/a3manos/article/view/414


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