Bridging strategy and design in six phases


Bridging strategy and design in six phases

Wanda Grimsgaard


Strategic design, an emerging field is gaining momentum, as it combines strategy and design to achieve business goals. Nevertheless, many of the design processes currently in use have more limited rigor and depth needed to work strategically with design within an international context. A comprehensive six-phase step-by-step process is developed to address this issue (Grimsgaard, 2023). This present article presents a summary of the six-step process, with an emphasis on the critical role of understanding the company's current situation, identifying key problems, and ensuring alignment with the overall business strategy and goals. Furthermore, this article emphasizes the critical importance of the designer's in-depth business understanding, strategic capabilities, and their ability to strategically anchor the design development. Design strategy bridges the gap between strategy and design, utilizing insights and selected strategies to inform the idea and design development process. Overall, this article underscores the potential of design as a means for companies to effectively realize their strategies and achieve their goals.


How to Cite
Grimsgaard, W. (2023). Bridging strategy and design in six phases. A3manos, 10(20), 2–15. Retrieved from
Curriculum synthesis

Wanda Grimsgaard, University of South-Eastern Norway. USN Business School. Porsgrunn

Wanda Grimsgaard is a Professor of Visual Communication at USN School of Business, University of South-Eastern Norway, and author of the book Design and Strategy. She was educated at the Oslo National Academy of the Arts as a graphic designer. Her background consists of many years of experience in the design industry, where she has worked on the development of identities for companies, products, or services. Since becoming a professor in 2012, she has focused on writing, researching, and teaching about strategic design. Grimsgaard's primary area of research lies at the intersection of strategy and design, with the aim of bridging the two.


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