"The Good City: Design for Sustainability". Master Conference delivered at the VIII International Congress of Design Forma 2015, Havana, June 2015.


"The Good City: Design for Sustainability". Master Conference delivered at the VIII International Congress of Design Forma 2015, Havana, June 2015.

Victor Margolin


Design is undergoing a momentous change. Where designers were once known for creating the visual appearance of products, whether coffee pots or posters, today they are becoming recognized for their work on the design of services, organizations (including government agencies) and even social networks. Specializations such as interaction design, experience design, social design, and design for sustainability did not exist a few years ago. The older projects of designing artifacts have not disappeared but the recognition that design can be so much more is growing.


How to Cite
Margolin, V. . (2000). "The Good City: Design for Sustainability". Master Conference delivered at the VIII International Congress of Design Forma 2015, Havana, June 2015. A3manos, 2(3), 15–24. Retrieved from https://a3manos.isdi.co.cu/index.php/a3manos/article/view/35
Curriculum synthesis

Victor Margolin, Universidad de Illinois

Profesor Emérito de Historia del diseño en la Universidad de Illinois, Chicago. Además, fue el editor fundador y actualmente co- editor de la revista de diseño académico ?Design Issues?. Ha ofrecido numerosas conferencias en Congresos, Universidades y Escuelas de Arte alrededor del mundo. También ha impartido Seminarios en la Academia de Arte y Diseño Bezalel en Jerusalén y en el Politécnico de Milán. El profesor Margolin ha publicado sobre diversos temas relacionados con el mundo del diseño destacándose sobre todo los relacionados con la historia del diseño, el diseño social, el diseño para el desarrollo, la enseñanza del diseño y la teoría del diseño.


Lester R. Brown, Eco-Economy: Building an Economy for the Earth (New York and London: Norton, 2001), 3.

Victor Margolin, “The Liberation of Ethics” in Clive Dilnot, Ethics? De- sign? [Archeworks Papers 1 no. 2] (Chicago: Arche-

works, 2005), 160.