Inflection of polyhedra.
The polyhedrons prove to be an inexhaustible source of resources for the generation of shapes, transcending their existence as a mere catalog of stagnant shapes. On the other hand, it is possible to verify the presence of these forms in design objects, in a more explicit or subtle way, evident proof of their continuous validity. From the contributions of morphology in the field of object design, it is intended to investigate the potential of polyhedrons, and their intervention from new transformation operations as a starting point for the conception and generation of forms. In this sense, the present work exposes the experience around the "inflection of polyhedra", a morphogenerative resource for the production of shapes and whose essence is related to the convex nature of regular polyhedra. This exhibition is made up of two results: the first refers to a didactic experience and the enormous potential of the resource for the production of forms in initial stages of learning; the second, to the research project that emerged as a consequence of the first experiences, and whose objective was to understand and analyze the attributes of the forms generated from this morphological resource used.
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