Creativity and transdisciplinary learning.


Creativity and transdisciplinary learning.

Giselle Goicovic


This article shows the basic components of a transdisciplinary pedagogical model that uses as a didactic strategy the project methodology through creative processes, whose main objective is to achieve the development of metacognitive skills that favor the achievement of autonomy and self-regulation of learning. This model arises from qualitative research with hermeneutic documentary design that analyzes and projects Leonardo da Vinci's creative process.


How to Cite
Goicovic, G. (2022). Creativity and transdisciplinary learning. A3manos, 10(19), 2–8. Retrieved from
Curriculum synthesis

Giselle Goicovic, Metropolitan Technological University Santiago de Chile

Graphic Designer and Master in Education for University Teaching. She has been a teacher at the Metropolitan Technological University of Santiago de Chile since 1985 in programs such as Design, Architecture and Engineering, and Technological Education. She has been working on research for the development of creativity since 2011, which has led to the publication of a book, 8 articles and participation in international conferences. The latter include the 1st Ibero-American Congress of Teachers, Cádiz, Spain (2018); 5th Interuniversity Postgraduate Conference on Education, Osorno, Chile (2017); 6th International Congress on Transdisciplinarity, Complexity and Ecoformation, Lima, Peru (2014), among others.


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