Master's Thesis: Guidelines for the design of interior spaces in geriatric wards in Cuban health centers.


Master's Thesis: Guidelines for the design of interior spaces in geriatric wards in Cuban health centers.



Health has been understood as an exclusive problem of medicine; however, interior design impacts the development of contemporary medicine and geriatric wards. Due to the increase in the number of elderly people and the specific characteristics of this user, geriatric wards require a design of interior spaces that takes into account these factors. The current Cuban Standard does not adjust or cover the functions of geriatric wards and the needs of the geriatric patient, due to this need this research arises. The theoretical methodological foundations that support the design of interior spaces in health centers are collected, and the data analyzed from the diagnosis of the current state of the interior design of the geriatric wards of Havana. The methods from a theoretical perspective are Analysis and synthesis, Induction-Deduction and Content Analysis. Structured Observation was applied as the structure of the empirical procedures, while the techniques are the Survey and the Interview, each one based on their respective instruments. The triangulation of these results and the definition, structuring and characterization of Guidelines as an instrument or model to follow, gave way to the determination of the guidelines for the design of interior spaces in the geriatric wards of Havana.


How to Cite
Yessica. (2022). Master’s Thesis: Guidelines for the design of interior spaces in geriatric wards in Cuban health centers. A3manos, 9(16), 99–101. Retrieved from


González, Y. (2021) Tesis de Maestría: Pautas para el diseño de espacios interiores de las salas de geriatría en los centros de salud cubanos. La Habana. Biblioteca ISDi.