The image of military youth in the history of artistic ceramics.


The image of military youth in the history of artistic ceramics.

Bordushevich Ekaterina


The topic aroused great interest among many generations of young people and is still relevant today. The war period associated with the events of the Great Patriotic War occupies a special place in the history of Russian art, in particular due to the development of the sculptural genre.
In time, the heroic images of sculpture were embodied not only in monumental and decorative works of art, but also in "small" plastic works. The war that entered each house required emotional and figurative expression in the daily space of the houses.


How to Cite
Ekaterina, B. (2022). The image of military youth in the history of artistic ceramics. A3manos, 9(17), 73–75. Retrieved from
Curriculum synthesis

Bordushevich Ekaterina

Graduada con Diploma de Honor de la Facultad de Bellas Artes y Diseño, Universidad Estatal de Gzhel. Licenciatura en artes, oficios y artesanía popular, 2019.

Máster Universitario en Artes y Oficios y Artesanía Popular. Especialización en cerámica. Actualmente, trabaja como maestra en una escuela de arte para niños, en su ciudad natal, Kolomna, región de Moscú. Enseña dibujo, pintura y composición.


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Агаркова Г.Д., Астраханцева Т.Л., Петрова Н.С. ( 1993) Русский фарфор. -М.