The 2021 Yearbook of Branding in Latin America.


The 2021 Yearbook of Branding in Latin America.

Ismael Guzmán


The 2021 Yearbook of Branding in Latin America emerged as a project of the Brand Observer where specialists in the field meet to talk, analyze and detail the most outstanding branding projects in Spanish.

The repertoire of cases was curated and chosen by ten directors of brands in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Spain, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay and Peru. In addition, the Yearbook presented the themes, trends and categories of the year, and opens some conclusions to continue working on positioning Latin American brands in the international market.



How to Cite
Guzmán, I. (2022). The 2021 Yearbook of Branding in Latin America . A3manos, 9(18), 59–64. Retrieved from
Curriculum synthesis

Ismael Guzmán, Dirección de Marcas

Especialista en marcas corporativas. Creador de Dirección de Marcas, una consultora de branding donde convergen diversos proyectos de la materia en toda Latinoamérica. Editor del Observador de Marcas, una plataforma de contenidos y actualidad sobre el branding en español.


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