Building a Serious Game through refugee testimonies.


Building a Serious Game through refugee testimonies.

Vicente E. Vinny-Montag


Refugeoly is a Serious Game which it primary purpose is not just playing for fun but playing to understand a humanitarian crisis. This board game is designed to experience the dramatic journey of refugees trying to get into a country that can give them asylum. Playing Refugeoly turns the player into a refugee and be-comes conscious of the real circumstances that a refugee has to go through in the journey to safety. Ref-ugeoly has been built into a game with the testimonies of refugees and NGO volunteers in refugee camps of Greece, Turkey, Spain and France and with information from different organisations. This paper aims to explain the design process, the game mechanics, the different tested game formats, the feedback from the general public, academics and students that have played it and it future development. 


How to Cite
Vinny-Montag, V. E. (2022). Building a Serious Game through refugee testimonies. A3manos, 9(18), 29–35. Retrieved from
Curriculum synthesis

Vicente E. Vinny-Montag, Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University

Associate Professor of Practice. Specialization in Multidisciplinary Design. Industrial Design Department. Affiliations: Goldsmiths University of London (UK) / Royal College of Art (UK)

The last few years he have mainly focus into social design. Homelessness and Forced Migration are the topics where he have developed most of recent projects. In Education he design teaching is the area of Visual Communication, Design Experience and Futurism / Speculative design.


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