Future education and sustainable design: today and tomorrow of sustainable design and the educational role.


Future education and sustainable design: today and tomorrow of sustainable design and the educational role.

Cecilia Rinaldi


The article starts from the author's experience as a fashion designer and teacher and takes stock of the application of the principles of sustainable development in the field of Fashion, but does not fail to identify reasons and difficulties in the emergence of sustainability theories. The work points out the protagonists of change and underlines the central role of education and training; points out the particular affinity of the artistic and design disciplines with the reasons of the Ethics of Development, since they are structurally linked to human work both in the planning phase and in the realization phase. Then principles and methods of movements and phenomena are indicated, in which the world of sustainable fashion is articulated, particularly critical towards "fast fashion", that is, that system that continuously makes low-quality and low-priced garments, a typical expression of the consumerist model that squanders natural and energy resources, produces pollution and waste, exploits work, so it does not care about the ecological or ethical aspects of production and marketing.


How to Cite
Rinaldi, C. (2022). Future education and sustainable design: today and tomorrow of sustainable design and the educational role . A3manos, 9(18), 6–11. Retrieved from https://a3manos.isdi.co.cu/index.php/a3manos/article/view/239
Curriculum synthesis

Cecilia Rinaldi, Italian Academy of Art Fashion Design Florence

Cecilia Rinaldi is a sustainable designer and researcher with a professional background of multifaceted experiences that have allowed her to train at 360 degrees, in the role of sustainable designer, development in textile research, modeling and draping. In 2010 she graduated from the University of Design Accademia Italiana Arte, Moda e Design in Florence, where she has been teaching since September 2015 and coordinating the Fashion Design department since 2020. In the same year she received a Bachelor of Arts from Cardiff University of Wales. At Esmod International University of Art for Fashion in Berlin, Cecilia specializes in Fashion Design, completing her education in the creation of stylistic design and tailoring techniques. In 2013 and 2014 she moved to the United States: while attending Richland College Multicultural Studies in Dallas TX, she worked as a stylist for private clients and specialized as a buyer working in a Haute Couture Boutique. Cecilia is constantly looking for collaborations with other sustainable brands and universities around the world both to expand her knowledge and keep up to date, and to help spread and support the sustainable and ethical fashion movement both locally and globally.


Kate Fletcher (2018) Moda, Design e Sostenibilità, London, Post Media Books.

Kate Fletcher and Lynda Grose (2012) Fashion and Sustainability: Design for Change,

London, Laurence King.

Kate Fletcher (2014) Sustainable Fashion and Textiles: Design Journeys, London,

Earthscan from Routledge, First Edition in 2008 and Second Edition in 2014.

Francesca Romana Rinaldi (2019) Fashion Industry 2030. Reshaping the future through

sustainability and responsible innovation, Milan, Egea Bocconi University Press.

Francesca Romana Rinaldi and Salvo Testa (2017) The Responsible Fashion Company,

Integrating ethics and aesthetics in the value chain, A Greenleaf Pubblishing Book.

T. Edwards (2010) Fashion in Focus, Concepts, Practices and Politics, Routledge, Londra.