Features of professional training of ceramists at the Gzhel State University. History and current state.
Gzhel State University continues the traditions develops high levels of art teaching. Specialists in various fields are trained within the walls of the educational institution, but the most important is the "artist of decorative and applied arts", in the specialty of "artistic ceramics".
Considering the main characteristics of training in artistic ceramics in bachelor's and master's degrees at Gzhel State University, is the objective of this work.
The educational process is aimed at mastering various skills by students. According to the competency-based approach to teaching, competency is "knowledge in action", "integrity of knowledge, skills and abilities that ensure professional activity" [???? ?. 2005, p. 25, 26].
In the training, various methods and forms of teaching are used that help to integrate a complex of knowledge of skills and abilities that allow understanding the profession, even at the training stage, to consider deeply and completely the area in which the student he must prove himself in the future.
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