Impact of sport on the professional development of designers


Impact of sport on the professional development of designers

Julio C. Pollán
Milagros Quesada


Sport and Physical Education, its regular and systematic performance, has proven to be an extremely beneficial practice in the prevention, development and rehabilitation of health, as well as a means to forge character, discipline, decision-making and compliance with the rules, thus benefiting the development of the practitioner in all areas of daily life.

Today little attention is paid to the need to prevent or eradicate health problems caused by assuming an incorrect position or maintaining the same posture for long periods of time, causing damage that over time can be irreversible.

The objective of this work is to propose postural exercises for the self-exercise of the students of the Faculty of Design. With the new programs for the improvement of Sports and Physical Education of the Ministry of Higher Education, it is emphasized that future professionals of the different specialties are able to exercise themselves, not only during Physical Education classes, but also during their free time and that it serves to him for the life.

Methods of the theoretical level were used: analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, historical-logical and of the empirical level, observation, and measurement, the survey and interview technique. The verification was made from the application of the self-execution of the exercises Physics related to the performance of the designer.

Being healthy is essential for our society, for its development, with the proposed new economic model.



How to Cite
Pollán , J. C., & Quesada, M. (2019). Impact of sport on the professional development of designers . A3manos, 7(12), 22–27. Retrieved from
Curriculum synthesis

Julio C. Pollán , Instituto Superior de Diseño de la UH

Profesor Asistente. Labora en el Departamento de Teoría y Metodología del Instituto Superior de Diseño (ISDi).

Milagros Quesada, Instituto Superior de Diseño de la UH

Profesor Asistente. Labora en el Departamento de Teoría y Metodología del Instituto Superior de Diseño (ISDi).


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