The role of service design in assistive technology research and development.


The role of service design in assistive technology research and development.

Cristina N. Perdomo
Luis C. Paschoarelli


The objective of this study is to present and discuss the importance of service design in the research and development of Assistive Technology for older people. Through the bibliographic review, it is observed that the service design places people at the center of all projects and works on the definition of services from the point of view of the person, their expectations, their needs and their limitations with the aim of being able to offer positive experiences while using technology in their daily lives. This article concludes that the design of services is the key element for the research and development of Assistive Technology and contributes significantly to the care of the elderly at home.



How to Cite
Perdomo, C. N., & Paschoarelli, L. C. (2019). The role of service design in assistive technology research and development. A3manos, 7(12), 18–21. Retrieved from
Curriculum synthesis

Cristina N. Perdomo, Universidade Estadual Paulista

Terapeuta Ocupacional. Graduada en la Universidad de Salamanca. Master en Servicios Públicos y Políticas Sociales en la Universidad de Salamanca. Doctorado en Diseño (Tecnologías de Asistencia) en la Universidad Estadual Paulista (UNESP) Brasil.

Luis C. Paschoarelli, Universidade Estadual Paulista

Catedrático del Departamento de Diseño de la Universidad Estadual Paulista (UNESP) (2017); Profesor de Diseño Ergonómico por UNESP (2009); posdoctorado en Ergonomía (2008) por ULISBOA; Doctorado en Ingeniería de Producción (2003) por UFSCar; Máster en Diseño, Arte y Sociedad - Diseño Industrial (1997) y Graduado en Diseño Industrial (1994) por la UNESP. Es co-líder en el Grupo de Investigación Diseño Ergonómico. Profesor en la carrera de Grado en Diseño y en el Programa de Posgrado (maestría y doctorado) en Diseño de la UNESP. Actualmente es "Ergonomista Senior" en ABERGO - Asociación Brasileña de Ergonomía.


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