Grávita - Orchestra Kitchen Project.


Grávita - Orchestra Kitchen Project.

Álex López


Eating guarantees survival, but also unites, delights, transports, and makes life happy; the kitchen is then the epicenter of life, the place where magic happens. In the case of this project, contrary to being hidden, the kitchen is alive, vibrant and sound so that you can enjoy both the result and the process. Because ordering food is fine, but falling in love with cuisine around the world is better.


How to Cite
López, Álex. (2022). Grávita - Orchestra Kitchen Project. A3manos, 9(16), 109–112. Retrieved from
Curriculum synthesis

Álex López, Empresa Gravita

Director Creativo en Gravita.

Profesor de diseño en la ESNE - Escuela Universitaria de Diseño, Innovación y Tecnología.

Obtuvo dos Premios ADG Laus 2020.

Grado en Diseño Gráfico y Multimedia por la ESNE.

Master in User Experience por la Universidad Internacional de la Rioja.

Grado Superior en Diseño y Producción Editorial por la ITGT Tajamar.
